Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

sinolewah campground slopes of Merapi

Camping on the sidelines Falcata , staring at Mount Merapi in the distance . If you have excess energy , exciting walks around " hunting " milk of dairy cows . Then , what about flaming bonfire in gamelan music ? As far as the eye could see , the invisible privileges that place . However , entering into it , is starting to look its appeal , especially in view of the tremendous distance : Mount Merapi with arrogance and keangkerannya .
Land formerly known as guava orchard and grassland it has now transformed into a camping tour . His name Sinolewah , precisely in Gondang , Umbulharjo , Cangkringan , Sleman , Yogyakarta . Every weekend , the place was crowded with people , both students and office employees . Among the students come to camp , office employees usually come to training outdoors ( outbound ) .
If you're busy , campsite can accommodate 1,000 people .

Tents set up in the trees sengon . Visitors being charged Rp 15,000 per person per one camping . Facilities offered Sinolewah quite adequate . In that place there were eight home pavilion commonly used as a meeting room , and a bathroom with 35 abundant water . Sinolewah provide a common kitchen , complete with cooking equipment .
Business sites that also provide lighting facilities , both outdoors and indoors , as well as the sound system . For those who do not have their own means of telecommunications , where it also offers kiosk .
YB Sukamto , who " juggle " the place into a tourist camp , said at least three times a month Sinolewah hired . Indeed , not necessarily in large numbers . " There is also coming from a particular office . Not only scout or school children . Normally , if from the offices they held camp with out bound . They bring their own tools . Majority said , with campers their morale rose , " he said .
Its location is strategic .

Not far from the Merapi Golf . From Sinolewah , it is possible to travel to the Kali Kuning which is only about one kilometer . From where it could also climb Merapi . " Or a visit to the agribusiness , such as flower beds , place mushroom cultivation , or dairy cows , " he said .
Located at an altitude of 850 meters above sea level , the air Sinolewah cool , cold even when the night before . Typically , campers ward off the cold by making a bonfire while singing accompanied by guitar . In Sinolewah , guitar accompaniment can be replaced with gamelan accompaniment . " We could regale visitors dances , puppet , tasters , single organ , or jathilan . There are special packages , can be selected , " said Kamto .
From the center of the city of Yogyakarta , is about 24 kilometers Sinolewah .

When using public transport there are several route options . First , ride transit from Terminal Giwangan , Bantul , subsequently rising transportation department Ngrangkah , Umbulharjo , Cangkringan . From the main road , Sinolewah within one kilometer . Second , take public transportation and get off at the majors Ground Pakem , continues to Ngrangkah majors .
Ten Years It has been more than ten years , Sukamto fate in Gondang , it . At first he did not think it would be a location where tourist camp . The above two hectares of land that he leases from the local government , in 1994 , he cleared the weeds that grow fast . Was formerly unproductive land . In addition to the weeds , found many guava trees .
At that time, they have in mind is just farming . Horticultural when it was deemed to be most beneficial . " We are developing the horticulture sector at that time , to plant peppers , tomatoes , sweet corn , lettuce , mustard greens for meatballs . Sengon sea I also planted 1,000 trees . Till now , I had twice Falcata harvest , " he said .
However , it only lasted horticulture four years .

In early 1998 , he changed the location of it being a tourist spot for camping . " Starting from fellow students who want to stay here . They then set up a tent here , " said the man who is still single at the age of more than 40 years .
From experience , he saw a business opportunity . In addition to the idea , he also has the support of his colleagues , in fact the place is perfect for camping . He then carried out a study on some campsites , in Yogyakarta and Klaten . " In order for all parties satisfied , I have to figure out what they needed . From the campsite that I visit , I can compare which one is best . All the good from each place I adopted , " he said .
At its establishment, the campsite has only three buildings in the form of the pavilion . Javanese house that he bought the whole of the surrounding population . On average , homes that he redeemed at a price of Rp 3 million . He had to spend USD 7 million to make the house better.

Camping location

When a standing start , in 1998 , it has not been selling Sinolewah today. With hard work , he tried to continue to promote their business . Mostly , consumers came after receiving information from their counterparts that first camp . In addition , he also makes stickers , calendars , business cards , brochures , which reads Sinolewah , complete with phone numbers and addresses . The promotion was conducted over two years . And in 2000 , Sinolewah already well known throughout Central Java , particularly from Klaten , Solo, Muntilan , Magelang , in addition to DIY their own .
" Since the user feel comfortable and be loyal subscription .

If you want to spot me , do not need another survey , just call . Most of my customers , old customers . I always ngopeni customers , maybe only one or two new ones, " he said . He did not work alone . Typically , he assisted five qualified persons each, ranging from electricians to the special care of the water . He himself has only one worker fixed .
" I was not 100 percent for profit , I also look at their background .

I thank all the parties , whether or not it rich school . All can be arranged and can be compromised , " he added .
Sinolewah , camping tourist attractions in Yogyakarta . Camp sites that you can visit around Central Java

location :
Gondang , Umbulharjo , Cangkringan , Sleman , Yogyakarta . Not far from the Merapi Golf .

First , ride transit from Terminal Giwangan , Bantul , subsequently rising transportation department Ngrangkah , Umbulharjo , Cangkringan .
From the main road , Sinolewah within one kilometer . Second , take public transportation and get off at the majors Ground Pakem , continues to
Ngrangkah majors .

facilities :
There are 8 homes pavilion that can be used as a meeting room 35 bathroom with abundant water . kitchen
Generally, complete with cooking equipment . Lighting both inside and outside the telecommunications point location 850 meters in height
above sea level ( asl ) Air Sinolewah cool even when the cold nights ahead .

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