Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Mount Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Nglanggeran village , Patuk , Gunungkidul , Yogyakarta , Indonesia

Mount NglanggeranAncient VolcanoNglanggeran village , Patuk , Gunungkidul , Yogyakarta , Indonesia
Nglanggeran mountain is an ancient volcano -shaped giant boulder . Besides being able to watch the sunset and sunrise is breathtaking and sparkling Jogja at night , in the East Peak Nglanggeran also a mystery hamlet with 7 heads of the family .
Watching the sun rise from the top of the mountain is a luxury that not everyone can enjoy it . The extreme , unpredictable weather , tough journey , as well as the distance to be within walking distance of a major barrier for some people . However, this does not apply in Mount Nglanggeran , Patuk , Gunungkidul . It takes only 1 to 1.5 hours of climbing , you will arrive at the summit of Mount Nglanggeran west , Mount Gede . Beautiful scenery was welcome feast for the eyes . As far as the eye could see visible expanse of clouds in height , stone mountain range with a unique shape , township residents , as well as green rice paddies and fields . At dusk approaching , the city of Yogyakarta will look like a sea of ​​fireflies. Light sprinkling of stars and sparkling city lights visible from a distance becomes a romantic view for anyone who camped on this mountain .
Mount Nglanggeran an ancient volcano that was active tens of millions of years ago . Located in the karst region Baturagung , mountain litologinya composed by fragments of old volcanic material has two peaks that peak and peak east west , as well as a caldera in the middle . Currently Mount Nglanggeran a row of giant rock mountain with views of the exotic and unique shapes and with different names folklore as escorts . The mountains are usually named according to its shape , like 5 Finger Mountain , Mount color , and Mount Wayang .
It was still early when YogYES to the top of the east Nglanggeran . According to the manager , this place is the best spot for sunrise and conveniently . Unfortunately when YogYES arrive reluctant to move so dense clouds covered the sun . Since not get to watch the sunrise , YogYES choose to visit the house of Mbah Redjodimulyo as elders who live in Pucak Nglanggeran . According to Mbah Redjo , Hamlet Tlogo existing Mardidho Nglanggeran Peak 7 may only be occupied by the head of the family . If the head of the family who lived in this village are more or less there will be bad things that are not desirable . This can be seen by the presence of the tomb in the Peak Nglanggeran . Therefore , if their children are married then the new family had to leave the village Tlogo Mardhido .
After visiting the village with 7 heads of families , YogYES back to base camp and try to climb Mount Gede . In contrast to the eastern peak could still be achieved using a motorcycle , to reach Mount Gede mandatory tracking anyone . Down the path with stone hill on the right and left of the road becomes engrossing experience . Getting to the top , the road is getting steep . Some straps are installed to facilitate the climbers . Not to sigh over , facing new challenges . A narrow slit with nan steep rock hill on the right and left welcome . Rather dark narrow corridor that is only passable by one person . Shortly after successfully defeated him a friend said , " It's like in the movie 127 Hours , racking but cool ... "
Tickets : Rp . 3000 ( afternoon ) ; Rp . 5000 ( evening )


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