Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

boko queen's tomb, Jogja Indonesia

Ratu Baka (Javanese : Candhi Ratu Baka ) is an archaeological site that is a complex number of the remaining buildings are located approximately 3 km south of Prambanan temple complex , 18 km east of Yogyakarta or 50 km southwest of the city of Surakarta , Java middle , Indonesia . Total area of ​​the complex is approximately 25 ha .
This site displays the attributes of a place activism or residential sites , but their exact function is not clear . [ 1 ] estimated Boko 've used those in the 8th century during the Sailendra dynasty ( Rakai Panangkaran ) of the United Medang ( Hindu Mataram ) . Judging from the pattern of laying the remains of the building , allegedly this site is the former palace ( the royal palace ) . This opinion is based on the fact that the complex is not a temple or a building with a religious nature , but rather a fortified castle with evidence of the rest of the fortress wall and dry moat as a defense structure . [ 2 ] Remains of settlements are also found in the vicinity of this site .
The name " Queen Baka " is derived from local legend . Ratu Baka ( Java language , literally meaning " king stork " ) is the father of Loro Jonggrang , which also became the name of the main temple at Prambanan temple complex .
Administratively , the site is located in the District of Prambanan , Sleman District , Yogyakarta and lies at an altitude of almost 200 m above sea level .
The site to be nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995 .
table of contents

1 History
2 Privileged Ratu Boko
3 Parks Travel Boko
4 Locations
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Boko site was first reported by Van Boeckholzt in 1790 , which stated that there is archeological ruins on a hill , Ratu Boko . The hill itself is an offshoot of the Sewu Mountains system , which stretches from the south of Yogyakarta by vBulletin area . One hundred years later, new research led by FDK Bosch , who reported the Boko van Ratoe . From this it is concluded that the ruins are the remains of the palace .
Abhayagiri Vihara inscription in 792 AD is written evidence found on site Ratu Baka . In this inscription mentions a figure named Tejahpurnapane Panamkarana or Rakai Panangkaran ( 746-784 AD ) , and an area called the temple on the hill called Abhyagiri Temple ( " temple on the hill which is free from danger " ) . Rakai Panangkaran resigns as King for want of spiritual tranquility and concentrate on religious issues , one of them by establishing named Abhayagiri Vihara temple in the year 792 AD Rakai Panangkaran Buddhists as well as the building is called Abhayagiri Vihara Buddhist backgrounds , as the proof is the Dyani Buddha statue . However, also found elements of Hinduism in the presence of As Boko site Durga , Ganesha and Yoni .
Apparently, the complex is then converted into a palace for the king comes bastion subordinate ( vassal ) named Rakai Walaing Kumbayoni Pu . According to the inscription Siwagrha this place called the fortifications consisting of a pile of hundreds of stone by Balaputra . Building on top of the hill was used as a stronghold in the battle of the power struggle in the future .
In the former , there are complex gate , Paseban space , a pool , pavilion , Pringgitan , women's quarters , and two niche cave to meditate .Privileged Ratu Boko
In contrast to other ancient relics from the time of ancient Javanese general form of religious buildings , the site is a complex of Ratu Boko profane , complete with entrance gate , pavilion , shelter , swimming baths , until the protective fencing .
Slightly different from the other palaces in Java which generally established in an area of relatively gentle , Ratu Boko site is located on top of a fairly high hill . It makes building complex is relatively more difficult to build than the angle procurement of labor and building materials . Except of course when its main building materials , ie stone , taken from the hill region itself . It certainly requires well trained workers in the processing of the rocks into chunks that can be used as building material .
Notch at the top of the hill also requires the presence of springs and water management systems that can meet their daily needs . Bathing pool is a relic of the regulatory system ; the rest is a challenge for the archaeologists to reconstruct it .
The position on the hill also provide cool air and beautiful scenery to its residents , in addition of course to make the complex more difficult to attack the opponent .
Another specialty of this site is the place on the left of the gate that is now commonly called " the place of cremation " . Given the size and position , no doubt this is the place to show something or an activity . Giving the name " spot cremation " should imply the existence of cremation routine activities at this place that needs to be further investigated . It is likely to be considered to investigate this place as a sort of altar or place offerings .Boko Tourism Park
The central government is now entering Ratu Boko complex into a special authority , together with the management of Borobudur and Prambanan Temple in a SOE , after the last two temples is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List . As a consequence , Ratu Boko reorganized in some places can be a place for education and cultural activities .
There is an additional building at the front gate , and a restaurant that is open space ( Plaza Andrawina ) that can be used for activities pertemun with a capacity of about 500 people , with a vista to the north ( Mount Merapi and Prambanan sub-district ) . In addition , the manager provides campsites and trekking , archaeological educational package , as well as tour guides .


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