Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

indrayanti beach

Who does not know Indrayanti, beautiful white sandy beaches are currently busy talking about the tourists. Round the coast with the official name of the day of Shawwal is getting increasingly popular and inspire tourists to visit. However, not a few who do not know its location. Well, to help pal and gentlemen, I present the following guide towards the beach Indrayanti Gunungkidul.

Before entering into Indrayanti guide to the coast, I would peel a little information about this beach. Indrayanti has the official name of the Government of the coastal Gunungkidul Round Shawwal. Various potential and beauty it offers make it more popular beaches. Actually, what makes this beach so exotic Shawwal Round? Here are some of them


Round One Side Beach Shawwal Round the coast of Shawwal is presenting a variety of charm and uniqueness for tourists. Long before managed by private parties, the beach is known as the Round Toll Shawwal which is often abbreviated. Along with the dynamics of tourism along the south coast of Gunungkidul, private parties to set up a cafe and restaurant, named Indrayanti, with a large signboard facing the street. The term is then more popular because most travelers who happened to pass only remember the name of the cafes and restaurants.
Actually, the key points that make this increasingly crowded beach is a blend of natural beauty and good management, which includes:
The beauty of nature Shawwal is home to white sand beaches and coral reefs are typical. Solid rocks that flank, as well as karst hills to the north makes this beach unique and offers a charming natural charm. Even outside the dry season, the green trees around it that presents a combination of contrasting colors, with white sand and blue sea, make this beach looks like a beautiful painting that soothes the soul.
Location Beach Round Shawwal is that close to the highway also add to the attraction for the passers of data so that the beach is more easily recognized. Especially in terms of location, the beach is very close to other beaches that had already been widely known as Krakal, Drini, and Sundak.
Good management One of the important points of the beauty of the beach is Round Shawwal cleanliness is always maintained. Business rules stipulate that anyone caught littering on the beach will be fined 10 thousand dollars. This rule was responded well by the tourists so it looks more beach kept clean.
In addition, the layout of the cafes and restaurants Indrayanti are arranged in such sedmikian also adds to the beauty of this beach in the eyes of tourists. The facilities were quite complete, from toilets, parking, lodging, up to a comfortable gazebo-gazebo overlooking the sea also add to the attraction of this beach.
If my friend interested in visiting this beach, please prepare everything because the distance is about 70 km from Yogyakarta, passing through hilly terrain with winding streets. Although quite remote, scenic route along the beach towards the Round of Shawwal will treat exhaustion pal gentlemen. To help my friend all, here's a guide to beach Indrayanti or the Round Shawwal. Based on the map that I created this manually, some important information may be needed when my friend wanted to visit the beach or Indrayanti Round Shawwal. Generally, tourists who will visit this beach have problems deciding which path to take in order to feel safe and comfortable journey. To that end, the following explanation, I hope my friend can enjoy the beautiful white sandy beaches Round Shawwal, or better known as the Indrayanti without having a headache thinking about service.
From Yogya From the direction of Yogya, my friend can take the city lanes and southbound lanes. The point of intersection between the two lines can be found at the junction Ivory buddy or also known as the T-junction Field Ivory AAU. To track Wonosari town, my friend had to take a straight direction or the left, passing through the district Gunungkidul and take the direction towards the Baron. Meanwhile, if my friend wants to take the south path, the junction Ivory, my friend can take the right and straight towards Sub-Paliyan Playen. [Alternative Path to Beach Location Indrayanti] Map Towards Indrayanti Beach


South Strip The South Strip can browse buddy from taking the right of the fork in the AAU Ivory. Buddy will be passed to the District Paliyan Playen District. Between junction to the District Paliyan Ivory, buddy should carefully because the road is quite narrow and bumpy. Although traffic is generally not too dense, the holidays, the lines begin to crowded buses filled with travelers who are also going towards the beach area.
After reaching the market Paliyan, pal take the left, and in front of the police Paliyan, pal take right toward Trowono. If my friend wants to buy a grasshopper, on the road between Paliyan and Trowono these sellers hangout locusts. Well, to get to the beach area, my friend had to take a left when you get to the fork in Trowono, towards the junction Tanjungsari, and to the right towards the beach area.
Strip City Wonosari Basically, if my friend wants to wear Wonosari City lines, on the junction Ivory, my friend can keep going straight (left) and heading to the roundabout Siyono. At this point, my friend can choose to walk through downtown with a straight or take the Ring Road in the right direction. The second purpose of this route is equally towards junction MULO, which will mate again faced with two choices paths, namely path Tepus and Tanjungsari.
Directions Tanjungsari From junction Mulo, my friend had to take a straight direction towards Tanjungsari, where my friend will meet with the junction connected to the lines of direction Trowono (South Line). At this point my friend can go straight, straight to the beach area. Starting from Baron, Kukup, Drini, Krakal, Sundak, and most end or Round Indrayanti Shawwal, my friend will be treated to views typical karst area with towering hills and winding streets.

Directions Tepus If my friend took the path Tepus, scenic karst hills and rural areas will also enliven Tepus pal. Buddy will pass through the center of the City District Tepus until eventually will find Tepus junction, with the left towards the beach Wediombo and cloves, while heading to the right direction or Round Indrayanti Shawwal. Take the right direction because after about 5 miles, my friend will arrive at the beach Indrayanti.
That glimpse of the guide to the beach Indrayanti Gunungkidul can mate to complete before enjoying the clean, white sand with beach scenery that inspires our gratitude. If the way to the location of my friend still confused determine the direction, memorize the intersection points and ask the people who have encountered my friend. Hopefully useful, greetings.

2014 FIFA World Cup

FIFA World Cup 2014 FIFA World Cup is the 20th , the international football tournament to be held in 2014 in Brazil .
This is the second time Brazil hosted the tournament ( after 1950) , Brazil will become the fifth country to ever menyeleggarai World Cup FIFA World Cup more than once , after Mexico , Italy , France and Germany . The tournament is also the first FIFA World Cup held in South America since Argentina in 1978 . Previously there was no South American country hosted the FIFA World Cup more than once .
National football team from 31 countries have qualified through a qualifying competition which started in June 2011 to participate with the host nation Brazil in the final tournament . A total of 64 matches will be played in twelve cities in Brazil either a new stadium or rebuilt , with the tournament which begins with the group stage . For the first time in the World Cup Final , the game will use goal-line technology . [ 2 ]
Spain are the defending champions , after defeating the Netherlands 1-0 in the 2010 World Cup Final to win his first World title . Previous four World Cup being held in South America , all of them won by the South American team . [ 3 ]

Ponggok banners, nautical pool

Origin of the word comes from Bannerman Bannerman Ponggok which means spring , and Ponggok which is the name of Bannerman 's village is located . Bannerman Ponggok located in the village Ponggok , Polanharjo Subdistrict , Klaten regency , Central Java . Bannerman Ponggok is the largest bathing pool in Klaten , with an area of ​​approximately 6000 m2 . The existence of Bannerman Ponggok has existed since the time of hundreds of years ago , in the old days used for irrigation Bannerman Ponggok sugar cane plantations , and the current function is as an object Bannerman Ponggok public baths . To enter kearea Bannerman Ponggok cheap enough , only the entrance fee of Rp . 3.000 , - per person and vehicle parking tickets Rp . 2.000 , - .
Bannerman Landscape Ponggok looked outside looks like a swimming pool in general , with a large pool surrounded by large trees around the area . Excess Bannerman Ponggok than the water of the pool is this pennant comes from springs right under Bannerman , therefore the water in Bannerman Ponggok very clear and clean , so that from the top of the pennant we could see the bottom of the pennant Ponggok very clearly . Another advantage of this is the basis of a pennant pennant Ponggok dominated by rocks , gravel , moss and sand so it looks like in the ocean . The advantages of the latter is an Ponggok Bannerman contains hundreds of freshwater fish the size of a little finger up a man's thigh , the fish in this pennant is not harmful , rather they have become accustomed to the presence of humans . No one if Bannerman Ponggok is nuanced springs in the sea , with hundreds of fish , large rocks , sand bottom banners , water is very clear , and if the sun was blazing , the occasional daylight into the beauty of clear water Ponggok Bannerman . If visiting Ponggok Bannerman advised to bring a tool snorkeling or swimming goggles , because it is a pity if you miss the beauty of the water from Bannerman Ponggok .
Besides being used for swimming , bathing , or just play in the water , Bannerman Ponggok also sometimes used by student activities or organizations for dive training , because it resembles the beauty of the sea water . In addition the depth of Bannerman Ponggok also varied , to the outskirts of approximately 0.5 meters by 1.5 meters and is getting more and more in to the middle , with a depth of 3 to 4 meters . Diumbul Ponggok there are several other supporting facilities are leased , such as rubber tires for rent Rp . 3000 , - and can be used as much , but it is also a swan -shaped paddle boat that can digukanan to surround the pennant and basic sight pennant only to 5,000, - .
Other supporting facilities around the area Bannerman Ponggok quite complete , there are 4 bathrooms that can be used to shower after swimming satisfied , there are several food stalls selling a variety of foods , some benches and places to rest , but the area is still minimal Bannerman Ponggok trash , so some visitors disembarang littering the place , and worse still there are visitors who throw garbage in the pennant , hopefully supporting facilities in Bannerman Ponggok more complete and visitor awareness of cleanliness higher tourist area for the convenience of all visitors and for the cleanliness of this place . Bannerman Ponggok currently not too crowded , most visitors still dominated by the surrounding community , therefore this place could be a reference to fill or fill holiday weekend .
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Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

cara mengatasi batre hp android yang cepat habis

Kreatifitas yang tinggi selalu dituntut oleh para pengguna Android. Bila kurang kreatif dan hanya mempercayakan pengaturan android pada menu standard, maka bisa jadi kita akan punya anggapan bahwa Android ya hanya seperti ponsel lainnya saja.
Banyak keluhan mengenai betapa borosnya batere ponsel android. Masalah ini agak susah dipecahkan karena sangat tergantung pada karakter pemakainya. Disamping itu, pemakai yang bijak akan tahu kapan ponsel android diisi ulang dayanya dan kapan dia dipakai untuk bekerja.
Dua hal utama yang harus dilakukan kalau mau hemat batere adalah mematikan fasilitas GPS dan Bluetooth. Batere akan menjadi sangat boros bila kita menghidupkan fasilitas GPS, jadi gunakan saat perlu-perlu saja.
Masalah lainnya biasanya adalah tentang borosnya pulsa ponsel android.
Untuk masalah ini, maka ada beberapa tips dari para pengguna ponsel androids.
1. Pilih provider yang bisa memberikan layanan unlimited sesuai kemampuan kantong (saya pakai AXIS 35.000 per bulan sudah cukup untuk pemakaian normal sehari-hari)
2. Hanya melakukan koneksi ke internet dengan mempergunakan Wifi saja. Untuk ini dikenal dua macam kasus sebagai berikut ;
2.a. Hanya bisa koneksi internet dengan memakai Wifi, artinya kita sangat tergantung pada layanan hotspot gratis, namun tidak perlu ada biaya pulsa.
2.b. Koneksi Wifi otomatis tersambung begitu menemukan lokasi yang bisa mengirimkan data akses ke internet. Pada saat koneksi dilakukan dengan Wifi, maka koneksi ke provider otomatis mati (tidak aktif).

Untuk menentukan provider yang paling cocok dengan kita juga bervariasi variablenya, karena setiap orang punya karakter yang berbeda dalam soal penggunaan ponsel..
1. Pastikan semua lokasi tempat kita berada terjangkau oleh sinyal operator penyedia jasa pulsa. Jangan mudah tergiur oleh Spanduk, Baliho atau papan iklan yang bertebaran di jalan. Belum tentu Baliho itu menjamin keberadaan sinyal operator.
2. Pastikan apakah kita mau memakai secara harian, mingguan atau bulanan. Pemakaian bulanan tentu lebih murah, tetapi kalau service tidak memuaskan, maka kita akan tersiksa selama sebulan. Bila pemakaian harian/mingguan sudah dianggap memuaskan, silahkan kalau mau pakai bulanan.
3. Paket unlimited biasanya akan menurun kecepatannya pada saat kita sudah sampai pada batas kuotanya, jadi tentukan apakah perlu kuota yang besar atau kuota yang sedang-sedang saja atau bahkan kuota terkecil saja sudah memadai.
Biaya komunikasi menjadi mahal kalau fasilitasnya tidak kita pakai secara optimal.

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014



L2, kanan, L1, segitiga, kanan, kanan, R1, L1, kanan, L1, L1, L1

Manusia 1/2 dewa

bawah, X, kanan, kiri, kanan, R1, kanan, bawah, atas, segitiga

Uang, darah, tameng

R1, R2, L1, X, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas

Lompat tinggi

atas, atas, segitiga, segitiga, atas, atas, kiri, kanan, kotak, R2, R2

Pukulan maut

atas, kiri, X, segitiga, R1, bulat, bulat, bulat, L2

Bernafas dalam air

bawah, kiri, L1, bawah, bawah, R2, bawah, L2, bawah

Senjata 1

R1, R2, L1, R2, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas

Senjata 2

R1, R2, L1, R2, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri, bawah, bawah, kiri

Senjata 3

R1, R2, L1, R2, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri , bawah, bawah, bawah

Dua senjata

bawah, kotak, X, kiri, R1, R2, kiri, bawah, bawah, L1, L1, L1

Peluru tak terbatas

L1, R1, kotak, R1, kiri, R2, R1, kiri, kotak, bawah, L1, L1


bawah, kotak, atas, R2, R2, atas, kanan, kanan, atas

Bunuh diri

kanan, L2, bawah, R1, kiri, kiri, R1, L1, L2, L1


segitiga, atas ,atas, kiri, kanan, kotak, bulat, kanan


segitiga, atas ,atas, kiri, kanan, kotak, bulat, bawah


segitiga, atas, atas, kiri, kanan, kotak, bulat, kiri

Dikelilingi pel@cur

kotak, kanan, kotak, kotak, L2, X, segitiga, X, segitiga

Suasana pantai

atas, atas, bawah, bawah, kotak, bulat, L1, R1, segitiga, bawah


segitiga, segitiga, L1, kotak, kotak, bulat, kotak, bawah, bulat


L1, bulat, segitiga, L1, L1, kotak, L2, atas, bawah, kiri


X, X, bawah, R2, L2, bulat, R1, bulat, kotak

Nascar 1

bawah, R1, bulat, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, kiri, kiri

Nascar 2

R1, bulat, R2, kanan, L1, L2, X, X, kotak, R1

Nascar 3

R2, L1, bulat, kanan, L1, R1, kanan, atas, bulat, R2

Mobil golf

bulat, L1, atas, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, bulat, X


R2, L1, L1, kanan, kanan, atas, atas, X, L1, kiri

Mobil sherif

atas, kanan, kanan, L1, kanan, atas, kotak, L2

Mobil orang kaya

R2, atas, L2, kiri, kiri, R1, L1, bulat, kanan


R1, atas, kiri, kanan, R2, atas, kanan, kotak, kanan, L2, L1, L1

Mobil romero

bawah, R2, bawah, R1, L2, kiri, R1, L1, kiri, kanan

Truk sampah

bulat, R1, bulat, R1, kiri, kiri, R1, L1, bulat, kanan

Motor roda empat

kiri, kiri, bawah, bawah, atas, atas, kotak, bulat, segitiga, R1, R2

Boat amphibi

segitiga, segitiga, kotak, bulat, X, L1, L2, bawah, bawah

Mobil monster

kanan, atas, R1, R1, R1, bawah, segitiga, segitiga, X, bulat, L1, L1


bulat, bulat, L1, bulat, bulat, bulat, L1, L2, R1, segitiga, bulat, segitiga

Helikopter tempur

bulat, X, L1, bulat, bulat, L1, bulat, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1

Pesawat jet

segitiga, segitiga, kotak, bulat, X, L1, L1, bawah, atas

Pesawat stunt

bulat, atas, L1, L2, bawah, R1, L1, L1, kiri, kiri, X, segitiga


kiri, kanan, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, atas, bawah, kanan, L1


kiri, kanan, L1, L2, R1, R2, atas, bawah, kiri, kanan

Semua mobil berwarna hitam

bulat, L2, atas, R1, kiri, X, R1, L1, kiri, bulat

Semua mobil berwarna pink

bulat, L1, bawah, L2, kiri, X, R1, L1, kanan, bulat

Semua mobil jadi jelek

L2, kanan, L1, atas, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1

Semua mobil jadi mewah

kanan, R1, atas, L2, L2, kiri, R1, L1, R1, R1

Semua mobil desa

L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L1, R2, bawah, kiri, atas

Semua mobil transparan

segitiga, L1, segitiga, R2, kotak, L1, L1

Semua kendaraan hancur

R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, kotak, segitiga, bulat, segitiga, L2, L1


kiri, segitiga, R1, L1, atas, kotak, segitiga, bawah, bulat, L2, L1, L1

Mobil kebal

L1, L2, L2, atas, bawah, bawah, atas, R1, R2, R2

Mobil melambung

kotak, R2, bawah, bawah, kiri, bawah, kiri, kiri, L2, X

Mobil terbang

kotak, bawah, L2, atas, L1, bulat, atas, x, kiri

Mobil berjalan di atas air

kanan, R2, bulat, R1, L2, kotak, R1, R2

Boat terbang

R2, bulat, atas, L1, kanan, R1, kanan, atas, kotak, segitiga

Sepeda lompat tinggi

segitiga, kotak, bulat, bulat, kotak, bulat, bulat, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2

Bintang enam

bulat, kanan, bulat, kanan, kiri, kotak, X bawah

Mengurangi wanted level

R1, R1, bulat, R2, atas, bawah, atas, bawah, atas, bawah

Menaikkan wanted level

R1, R1, bulat, R2, kanan, kiri, kanan, kiri, kanan, kiri

Kunci polisi

bulat, kanan, bulat, kanan, kiri, kotak, segitiga, atas

Pengemudi agresif

kanan, R2, atas, atas, R2, bulat, kotak, R2, L1, kanan, bawah, L1

Trafik agresif

R2, bulat, R1, L2, kiri R1, L1, R2, L2

Rambu lalu lintas hijau

kanan, R1, atas, L2, L2, kiri, R1, L1, R1, R1

Waktu berjalan cepat

bulat, bulat, L1, kotak, L1, kotak, kotak, kotak, L1, segitiga, bulat, segitiga

Gerakan cepat

segitiga, atas, kanan, bawah, L2, L1, kotak

Gerakan lambat

segitiga, atas, kanan, bawah, kotak, R2, R1

Membidik sambil mengemudi

atas, atas, kotak, L2, kanan, x, R1, bawah, R2, bulat

Skill mengemudi maksimum

kotak, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, kiri, R1, kanan, L1, L1, L1

Respek maksimum

L1, R1, segitiga, bawah, R2, X, L1, atas, L2, L2, L1, L1


R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, kotak


R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, segitiga

Selalu tengah malam

kotak, L1, R1, kanan, X, atas, L1, kiri, kiri

Geng berkuasa

L2, atas, R1, R1, kiri, R1, R1, R2, kanan, bawah


X, bawah, atas, R2, bawah, segitiga, L1, segitiga, kiri

Penduduk menyerang

bawah, atas, atas, atas, X, R2, R1, L2, L2

Penduduk bersenjata

R2, R1, X, segitiga, X, segitiga, atas, bawah

Badai pasir

atas, bawah, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2


R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

Cuaca cerah

R2, x, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, kotak

Hujan badai

R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, bulat